
Winda Yohana Marieska, SE,CHRP

Company Secretary

Winda Yohana Marieska SE, CHRP was appointed as Corporate Secretary, in accordance with the Decree of the Company’s Directors No: SK/003/IKAI/VII/2018, dated July 2, 2018.

Winda Yohana Marieska is a distinguished graduate in Economics from Airlangga University, showcasing specialized expertise in Human Resources Management. Since joining the company in 2017, she has served with distinction as the Head of Human Capital Development. Her experience in administrative management and unwavering dedication to resource management led to her appointment as the Corporate Secretary.

Prior to joining PT Intikeramik Alamasri Industri Tbk, Winda garnered invaluable experience across diverse industries. Her notable professional history includes roles at PT Courts Retail Indonesia, Agung Sedayu Group, and PT Cowell Development Tbk. Winda not only brings a wealth of experience in various business ventures but has also successfully led divisions, showcasing expertise in different fields.

Winda’s commitment to excellence and professionalism has created a solid foundation for the function of Corporate Secretary, ensuring that PT Intikeramik Alamasri Industri Tbk continues to move forward towards success, complying with regulations as part of Good Corporate Governance and realizing sustainable growth.

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