
Assistance for Cianjur Earthquake Victims by a subsidiary of Swiss-Belhotel Bogor

Swiss Belhotel Bogor and IHGMA are working together to provide assistance to earthquake victims in Cianjur. Swiss Belhotel Bogor provides assistance in the form of used clothes, used towels, medicine & vitamins. Aid is collected at Fave Hotel Bogor as GM of Fave Hotel Bogor is chairman of IHGMA Bogor Raya.

The goods purchased by Swiss Belhotel Bogor were medicines & vitamins with the following details:

  • Panadol Blue 10 Strips priced at IDR 121,800/Box
  • Red Panadol 10 strips priced at IDR 135,400/box
  • Green Panadol 10 Strips priced at IDR 158,800/Box
  • 100 vitamins at a price of IDR 3,100/tablet

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