Events & News

Essenza’s participation in IndoBuildTech Expo

Jakarta – On November 17-21, 2021, Essenza was present at the 19th largest annual building material and interior exhibition IndoBuildTech Expo. The exhibition took place at JCC Senayan, Jakarta. The exhibition was attended by business people, architects, interior designers, contractors, distributors, planners and project owners as well as customers of building material and interior products.

In the exhibition, Essenza also presented product quality by conducting 3 quality tests such as Bending Strength, Water Absorption, & Scratch Resistant in the “Hybrid Product Presentation IndoBuildTech Expo 2021” event on November 18, 2021. so that it can provide knowledge for visitors who attend about Essenza products. This activity was also filled with a question and answer session for visitors who wanted to know more about Essenza products.

Not only that, Essenza in this event also received an award as 2nd winner of IndoBuildTech Best Booth Award 2021 Category 9-59 sqm.

IndoBuildTech Expo 2021 at JCC itself is supported by the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing, Construction Services Development Institute (LPJK), Indonesian Architects Association (IAI) DKI Jakarta, Indonesian Interior Designers Association (HDII) Jakarta, Green Building Council Indonesia (GBCI), Indonesian Green Building Experts Association IABHI), Indonesian Quantity Surveyors Association (IQSI), National Association of Indonesian Consultants (INTAKINDO), and Indonesian Association of Exhibition Companies (ASPERAPI).